Search results for zone

11 articles found

  • Managing Bin and Zone Locations

    IN THIS SECTION What are Zones and Bin Locations? Create Zones and Bin Locations Edit Zone Locations Edit Bone Locations Import Bin Locations What are Zones and Bin Locations? Zone and bin locations

  • Import Bin Locations

    To create or edit multiple bin locations at once, we can use the Import Bin Locations function. Through this import function, we can create a new bin location, assign a Zone location to an existing

  • Bin Location Types

    IN THIS SECTION What are Bin Locations? Bin Location Types What are Bin Location? Bin Location is a designated shelf, pallet position, or bin within a given depot. Bin locations are used only for

  • Inventory Reports

    IN THIS ARTCLE Navigate to Reporting Menu Dashboard Indicators for Inventory Inventory Summary (previously In Stock Report) Inventory Details Report (previously Bin Location Report) Inventory by

  • Manage Locations

    IN THIS ARTICLE Different Location Types View and Search Locations Create Locations Edit Locations Delete/Deactivate Locations It is highly recommended that users review this document before creating

  • Transfer Stock Internally

    Previously called Stock Transfer. OpenBoxes gives users the ability to efficiently manage the transfer of stock from one bin location or zone to another. This feature is helpful for inventory

  • Configure Partial Receiving

    Partial Receiving is a feature that allows users to receive a shipment in portions. This feature is turned off by default and can be turned on in locations where it is required. For information on

  • Location Type and Supported Activities

    IN THIS ARTICLE Location Type Definitions Supported Activity Definitions Possible Supported Activity Customizations The location type and supported activities determine exactly what a given location

  • Location Creation Wizard

    The location creation wizard helps new users create their first depot location. This wizard will appear on your first start up of OpenBoxes if you choose not to load demo data and instead create your

  • Configure Parties

    Parties are people or groups that interact with OpenBoxes. This interaction can be active, like a user that logs into the system to do work, or passive, like an organization that is referenced in

  • Configure Organizations and Locations

    IN THIS ARTICLE Organization VS Location Why Organizations and Locations matter Possible Location and Organization Configurations Organizations VS Locations Organization and Locations are key