Global Search

OpenBoxes has a global search function that allows users to search for products, shipments, orders, or other transactions. You can access the global search through the "magnifying glass" in the top right corner. 

lick on the Search icon to load the global search bar. The following product attributes are searchable in the global search function:

  • Product name or part of the product name
  • Item code (exact)
  • Lot number (exact)
  • Manufacturer code
  • Supplier code
After you type in your search, you can do one of two things:
  • Select an item to go to the Electronic Stock Card
  • Press enter to see a full list of items matching your search criteria

Colors in your search results can be customized by the admin of your OpenBoxes organization. For example, you can use a color to indicate items that are in your global formulary.

The search function in OpenBoxes is not as flexible as Google. You can search for part of an item name, but you must spell the item correctly, and match the syntax of how the item was created in OpenBoxes. If you are having trouble finding the item you are looking for, you should double check the syntax, especially punctuation: some items may have commas, or dashes that are required to correctly match the item in search. 

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