Create Electronic Requests (for Depot Locations)


Create Stock Request

Create Stock Request

  1. Log into the Depot location that you want to request stock for.

    From the Top Menu Bar, Click on Inbound > Create Stock Request.

    Create Stock Request

  2. 3. On the Create Page, Enter information for the Requisition.

    Requisition Create Page
    1. Description (Required): Enter a brief description of the request that will help you identify the request in the future.
    2. Requesting Location: This defaults to the facility you are requesting for.
    3. Fulfilling location (Required): Enter the name of the depot you are requesting from - the location that will fulfill your request.
    4. Requested By: This defaults to your name.
    5. Date Requested: This defaults to today's date.
    6. Request type (Required): Select "Stock" for a regularly scheduled request and "Adhoc" for an emergency, unexpected, or one-time request.
    7. Stocklist: If you select "Stock" as the Request type, you can select a stocklist that will load a preset list of products in the next page.

      Once you have filled out each field, press "Next" to go to the add items page.

  3. Add Items on the "Add Items" Page.

    1. Requested Product (Required): Search for the product by using the product code or the product name.
    2. QOH: OpenBoxes will display your current Quantity on Hand.
    3. Available: OpenBoxes will display your current Available Quantity.
    4. Demand per Month: OpenBoxes will display your Monthly Demand based on previous requisitions.
    5. Needed Qty (Required): Enter the qty that you need. If there is demand data for your facility, OpenBoxes will auto-calculate the needed qty based on the demand and QoH, which you can manually change.
    6. Comments: Enter any comments that might be helpful for the product you are requesting.

      To add additional products, click on the green "Add Line" button on the left-hand side of the screen. This will add another line below the table for you to add another product.

4.When you are finished with adding all the products, click on Submit Request. If you want to save this request and return to it in the future, you can click on "Save and Exit" without submitting it.

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