Edit or Rollback a Purchase Invoice

This document talks about how to edit or rollback a Purchase Invoice. For information about how to rollback a Prepayment Invoice, please see Create a Prepayment Invoice

Pending invoices can be edited at any time by opening the invoice view page and pressing “Edit Invoice”

This will reopen the invoice creation workflow, and you can make edits to the line items as described in the create section above.

Pending invoices can also be deleted by pressing the delete button, found next to the edit invoice button on the view page.

Posted invoices must be rolled back to pending before they can be edited. This can only be done by users with administrator permissions. To roll back the PO, press the rollback button on the view page:

After the invoice is rolled back, it will show status pending in the right-hand corner. It can now be edited or deleted by any invoice user.

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