Logging In
Enter the username and password provided by your OpenBoxes administrator and press “Login”
2. After you log in, OB will immediately prompt you to choose a location.
These locations represent all of the different depots in the system that manage inventory, organized by country office and location group. Depending on the size of your operation, you might see a long list like the above or one solitary location.
3. Select the depot that you want to view or work in. This will bring up the location dashboard:
Think of this as the OpenBoxes home page. All reports and activities in OpenBoxes can be accessed from the dashboard. Review the other pages in the “OpenBoxes Basics” section for information about where to go from here. For more information about how to navigate the dashboard, see Dashboard. For information about using the main search function, see Global Search. For a start on understanding inventory in OpenBoxes, try Electronic Stock Card.