Intro to StockList

A Stocklist is a list of products that are frequently requested from a Requesting facility. Stocklists are used to move items from a warehouse or a depot to requesting facilities such as labs, hospitals, pharmacies, wards, or dispensaries. We use stocklists to move large groups of products around the network and track migration from the origin to the destination.

Stocklists can be a helpful tool for both fulfilling facilities and requesting facilities to keep items in stock, forecast their inventory, and prevent stock out. Stocklists also provide the data for demand for the fulfilling facility which is critical in preventing stock out. Correctly understanding the demand also ensures that fulfilling facilities are ready to issue products to the requesting facilities. 

Since stocklists are used to transfer items from one place to another, individual stocklists are created for items to be moved from one Origin location to one Destination location. 

This document discusses viewing stock lists. To learn about creating and editing stock lists please see Create a Stocklist and Edit a Stocklist

View Stock lists

On the top Menu Bar, click on Stocklists > List stock Lists. Unlike other list pages, we can view stocklists for all locations on the stock List page. 

We can narrow our stock lists by adding filters. 

Users can search by stocklist name. Users can also filter based on the Origin of the stocklist or the Destination of the stocklist. To Apply filters, click on Search. 

The first four columns of the stocklist table are fixed. To scroll left and right for the other unfixed columns, use the navigation bar at the bottom of the table. 

  • On the table, there are three dots on the left-hand side which provide actions for users to take, depending on their permissions.
  • Users can click on the stocklist name to view the stocklist details. 
  • The Origin is the fulfilling location, from which a shipment with the stock list items will be leaving. 
  • The Destination is the requesting location that will be receiving a shipment with the stock list items. 
  • The Requisition Items column shows how many products are included in the stock list. 
  • The Requested by column is the requestor or the manager of the stock list who can make necessary updates to the stocklist.
  • The Created by column shows who created the stock list in collaboration with the manager.
  • The Updated by column shows who updated the stock list last. 
  • Users can scroll to the right to see the Date Created and the Last Updated date.

Stock List Detail Page

The Stock List detail page shows all the items in the stocklist. 

The stocklist detail header shows the name of the stocklist, the Origin, the Destination, the number of Requisition items, and the commodity class. We can see the stocklist status on the right-hand side of the header. 

On the left-hand side, users can see stocklist information and audits. Users from the receiving facility, St. Marc HSN Depot, for example, can view the stock list items in OpenBoxes. If changes need to be made to the stock list items as the needs change, they can reach out to the stocklist manager to request those changes. 

The Stocklist items table shows all the items included in the stocklist including the Code, Product Name, Category, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit cost, and Total cost. 

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