Purchase Order number not auto-incrementing
When creating a Purchase Order, users are asked to leave the Order number blank. This Order number should generate automatically and be the next number in the PO number sequence. However, sometimes users can get this error:
This error says that the PO number must be unique. There are two things we can do:
- User Workaround
- Resolution by an Admin
User Workaround
Users can workaround this error by manually checking what the last PO number was from the Purchase Order list page. Then, add the next number in the series in this field. For example, when I get this error, I can look at the Purchase Order list. If the last PO number is PO-CMS-000028, I will enter PO-CMS-000029 in the Order number field.
This is a short-term solution where users can still continue with their work before an administrator has a chance to resolve this error.
Resolution by an Admin
Admin users can resolve this issue by making updates to the Organization. Please see the steps below to resolve the auto-incrementing issue:
- From the top navigation bar, hover over Configuration > Click on Organizations.
- On the Organization List page, search for the Organization that is experiencing this Order number issue. Click on the Id or the Name hyperlink.
- You will be redirected to the Edit Organization page. On this page, there are two fields: "Sequences" and "PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER."
On the PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER FIELD, enter the number displayed in the Sequences field. In the example above, the Sequences field shows "28". So, I will enter "28" in the PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER field too.
Make sure to only type numbers in the PURCHASE_ORDER_FIELD and not the entire Purchase Order number.
- Click on Update.
- Now, when a user creates a PO, the Order number will be the next number in the sequence.