Amount Outstanding Report
The Amount Outstanding Report displays what value of Purchase Orders have not been invoiced along with the shipment status of those lines. This can be a helpful report for procurement users when those expenses hit their budget.
How to Run the Report
This will download an excel file with the following columns:
- Supplier
- Destination
- PO Number
- Type
- Code
- Product Name
- UoM
- Cost per UoM
- Qty Ordered not Shipped (Each)
- Qty Ordered not Shipped (UoM)
- Value Ordered not Shipped
- Qty Shipped not Invoiced (UoM)
- Qty Shipped not Invoiced (Each)
- Value Shipped not invoiced Total Qty not Invoiced (UoM)
- Total Qty not Invoiced (Each)
- Total Value not invoiced
- Budget Code
- Payment Term
- Recipient
- Estimated Ready Date
- Actual Ready Date