Create Product Sources
Different ways to create Product Sources
Create through Product Source List Page
- Basic Details
- Additional Details
- Default Preference Type
- Preference Type Variations
- Pricing
- Attributes
In OpenBoxes, Product Sources are assigned unique codes for each supplier of the product, allowing us to track and identify the exact source of a particular item, which is crucial for quality control, cost control, compliance, and managing potential issues related to specific suppliers.
Different Ways to Create Product Sources
OpenBoxes users can create Product Sources through different ways.
- When creating a Purchase Order
- Product Sources List Page
- Electronic Stock Card
- Import
This document presents creation of ONE product source manually. To see how to import MULTIPLE product sources through import, see this document: Import Product Sources.
Create through Product Source List Page
To navigate to the Product Source List Page, go to the Top Menu Bar and click on Products > Product Sources.
On the List Page, click on Create Product Source.

On the Create Product Source page, the header has Cancel and Save options. The Cancel option will take you back the Product Source List Page. To Save, you have to enter all the mandatory fields in the Create page.

Product Source Creation Fields
Please see below for the different fields you have to enter to create a Product Source.
Basic Details

- Source Code: You can leave this blank to autogenerate or enter one manually.
- *Product Name (Required): Search for Product by name or code.
- Legacy Code: Type the product reference from a previous or parallel system.
- *Supplier (Required): Search for the Supplier by name or code.
- *Supplier Code (Required): The SKU used by the vendor to identify the product.
- *(Source) Name (Required): The name the Supplier calls the product in their catalogue. Also called Supplier Source Name.
- Source Creation Date: This will be auto-updated by OpenBoxes.
- Last Update: This will be auto-populated by OpenBoxes.
- Active: This toggle will be ON by default. You can toggle it to deactivate a product source.
Additional Details

- Manufacturer: Search for Manufacturer by name.
- Manufacturer Code: Type the Manufacturer Code.
- Rating Type: Select the product quality rating based on user feedback or sample review.
- Brand Name: Enter the brand or product line.
Default Preference Type
This is for company-wide purchasing preference for the supplier.

- Default Preference Type: Select the company-wide purchasing preference for this supplier established through a competitive bid.
- Valid From: Select a Date.
- Valid Until: Select a Date.
- Bid Name: Enter the bid during which the purchasing preference was selected.
You can also delete the Global Preference.
Preference Type Variations
This is the default preference for a specific purchasing location, i.e. the local preference type. To add a variation, click on the "+Add New" option on the right side.

- *Organization (Required): Select the Organization location for the preference. This field will only display Organizations with buyer role.
- *Preference Type (Required): Select the preference type from the dropdown.
- Valid End Date
- Valid Start Date
- Bid Name: Enter the Bid during which the purchasing preference was selected.
You can delete the line if needed by clicking on the "Dustbin/Trashcan" icon.

Package Specification
- *Default Source Package (Required): Select a Pack size from the dropdown.
- *Package Size (Required): Enter the quantity per Default Source Package.
- MOQ: Minimum Order Quantity. Enter the smallest order the vendor will accept for this product.
- Package Price: Enter the most recent price paid per default package.
- Each Price: Enter the most recent price paid per smallest individual unit (package price divided by package size).
Fixed Price
- Contract Price Each: Enter the fixed price per unit guaranteed by a contract with the supplier.
- Price Valid Until: Select the date that the contract price is valid until.
- Tiered Pricing: Check this box to indicate if the supplier offers lower pricing for meeting specific quantity targets.

- COA Available: Select field.
- *GMP Certificate Available (required): Select field.
- ISO Certificate Available: Select field
- Each Price on Recent Bid: Enter the price on Recent bid.
- CE Certificate: Select field.
- Volume (Cubic meters): Enter the volume in cubic meters.
- Test attribute: Select a test attribute or enter on "Other."
Once you have entered the Required fields in all the sections, click on the Save button.
If the changes do not save, check if you have left some required fields empty! The fields that need attention will be highlighted.
Create through Electronic Stock Card
To create a product source through the Electronic Stock Card, click on Edit Product and select the Product Sources tab. Here you can see the existing sources and create new sources.
Please see this document to create/edit Product Sources via Import: Import Product Sources.
Create When Creating Purchase Order
When creating a Purchase Order, if a Product Source does not already exist, you can create a Product Sources in the PO creation page. Please see this document for detailed PO creation process: Create a Purchase Order.
When adding a product to the PO, click on source code field and select create new.
In the resulting modal, the supplier code is mandatory. Additionally, you can also add the Manufacturer and Manufacturer code. Click on Save to add this new source to your product in the PO.